Local Government Elections
About Local Government Elections
Local Government ordinary elections are held on the third Saturday in October every two years.
Elected Members are elected for terms of four years in Western Australia. Elections are held every two years for half of the council, and candidates are elected using the first-past-the-post voting system. If a vacancy occurs within a term, an extraordinary election is held. See the Councillor Contacts page for current terms.
The Electoral Commissioner is responsible for conducting all local government postal elections in Western Australia and can also conduct voting in person elections on request under the Local Government Act 1995. By making the Electoral Commissioner responsible for these elections, the local governments concerned ensure that elections are conducted independently and with impartiality.
Information is also available on the WAEC website: https://www.elections.wa.gov.au
Enrolling to Vote
You can get an Enrolment Eligibility Claim form from any local government office. To be able to vote for this election your application must reach the person named below by 5.00pm on 12 January 2024. Those nominated by a company must attach the letter of nomination to the form.

Call for Nominations
Councillor Nominations
If you decide to run for council, you would be involved in running an organisation with the responsibility for making decisions that have a major impact on our lifestyle. As a representative of your community, you will find the role enjoyable, challenging and stimulating with involvement in matters as diverse as recreation, libraries, the environment, land use planning, health, roads and many more. Meeting fees and some expenses are paid along with training being provided prior to nomination and further if successfully elected, to equip you to undertake this important role for your community.
There is currently one councillor position available. The term for vacancies is 19 Months (expires Oct 2025)
Who can nominate?
Any person who is an Australian Citizen over the age of 18 years who is an elector of the district and is not disqualified under the Local Government Act 1995 may nominate for election to council.
When to Nominate
Nominations open on 18 January 2024 and close at 4.00pm sharp on 25 January 2024.
Where to Nominate
At Shire of Cuballing, 22 Campbell Street, Cuballing 6311. Nominations must be on a prescribed form that is available from the council office. A $100 nomination deposit is required as well as a profile of the candidate consisting of no more than 1,000 characters (including spaces). If unable to personally attend to nominate, an authorised agent can do this on your behalf. You must complete an on line candidate induction prior to nominating. Click Here to complete the Councillor Induction.
If you wish (but is not compulsory) you can also provide additional supplementary candidate information in text form of up to but no more than 2,000 characters (including spaces). This supplementary candidate information will be displayed alongside your candidate profile on the local government’s website and/or council office noticeboard but will not be included in the election package that is posted to electors with the ballot paper(s).
For more information or a Nomination Package, please contact either Stan Scott or Michelle Atwell at the Shire of Cuballing on 9883 6031.