Community Consultation Survey

Published on Thursday, 23 February 2023 at 9:38:28 AM

The survey below is for people who hadn’t heard about or couldn’t attend our community drop-in sessions in Popanyinning and Cuballing earlier this month.


The Strategic Community Plan that comes out of this engagement will drive our budgets and our ability to attract funding to achieve the community's vision.  The survey will take around ten to 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are anonymous.


The results will be compiled by independent specialists, Localise and presented to the Council, along with other feedback (workshops, postcards etc). The community's input will be a vital part of the Council's decisions on the plan.


The survey will close at 11:59pm on Sunday 26 February 2023.  


Please scan the code below to access the survey and thank you in advance for your input.


or click the below link

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