Environmental Health

The Shire of Cuballing's Environmental Health Officer is Mr Tim Jurmann. Tim is responsible for the supervision of a diverse range of issues such as food premises and food handling procedures, sewerage and septic tank inspections, investigate food complaints, waste disposal, water quality, infectious disease monitoring and control, noise complaints, pesticides and pest control.

Regular inspections are conducted on all food handling premises and any concerns should be directed to the Shire Office.

Septic Tanks

Application forms to construct or install an apparatus for the treatment of sewage can be obtained by clicking here or by contacting the Shire of Cuballing Administration Centre on 98836031.


Do you and your staff have the skills and knowledge required to ensure safe food for your customers?

Food safety is your Business. It is the responsibility of a Food Business to ensure that all food sold is safe and suitable.

This information package has been developed by qualified and experienced Environmental Health professionals and is equivalent in scope to a two-day consultant delivered course.

The interactive, logical and easy learning format will assist you and your staff to develop the skills and knowledge required to ensure safe food for your customers and to comply with your obligations under the Food Safety Standards for Australia and New Zealand.

As a joint initiative, the Shire of Cuballing have subscribed to the course along with the Shires of Beverley, Brookton and Pingelly.

The course is provided to local businesses, community and community groups for their use free of charge.

The link to the course is hosted through the Shire of Beverley website. Additionally, the certificates will have the Shire of Beverley logo on them.

The course is very user friendly and can be saved at different points if users struggle to find time to complete it.
